This is Roll Initiative! An elimination party game where strategy and luck collide, and drinks decide! Use your strategic skills as well as the luck of the roll to survive through round-based turns against your companions in this thrilling fast-paced tabletop game where your drinks represent your lives!

Embark on an epic quest to become the last adventurer standing.

This game has straightforward and simple rules that make it easy for anyone to understand and join with in minutes. Prepare to strategically battle your companions through quick rounds while utilizing medieval characters and their abilities. However, if defeat finds you, you must accept your fate and take a drink.

To commence the round, all adventurers shall draw a character card.

Each card bears a unique ability known only to the wielder. All adventurers may activate their newfound power at any time within the round.

When all stand ready, all dice are rolled simultaneously.

This is what is known as the Initiative Roll. Outcomes of the rolls allow certain players to give out drinks and activate their abilities, while other players can do nothing but watch and hope they are not called upon. 

The lowest Initiative Roll must accept their fate and consume a life.

Alas, there is no need to worry yet, each adventurer holds three lives, and as long as they are still standing they pose a threat.

This is where strategies of their character abilities come into play.

Using a combination of luck and skill, use your card’s ability to your advantage. Is it wise to hold your ability to the end of the round and play defensively or attack right away and weaken your enemy before they know what hit em?

Join us on our noble quest across the lands of social media! Explore thrilling tales and secret glimpses beyond fortress walls. If you're interested in interacting with us and other players, join our community group Roll_For_Game on Facebook. Your journey with Roll Initiative is not just about playing a game; it’s about co-creating an immersive universe where every player’s voice matters. Together, we’ll shape the future of our adventures and help forge unforgettable stories.

Join our vibrant community today, share your experiences, and let’s embark on an epic quest together! Your input is the key to crafting a legendary gaming experience for adventurers everywhere.

Adventure awaits - are you ready to Roll Initiative?